the green tea enthusiast

Sunday, January 17, 2016

The Sunday Currently Ep. 03

I haven't really welcomed the new year here... or anywhere (just through text messages to my friends, haha) but Happy 2016!!

Another year has passed and a lot of things were left behind. This year, there are some things that I brought with me but I know I'm not supposed to.

Non-blog content talk aside (let's leave the drama somewhere else, maybe just at the bottom part of this post lol), I've been really planning on focusing on DIYs this year, since most of my style photoshoots are spontaneous, to be honest. A lot of projects, tips and hacks, and Thrift and Make posts are planned and I hope you watch out for that.

Honestly, my vision for this blog is just to share what I need to share, and let my creativity flow. I'm pretty sure I'm not that organized to be able to post an entry once a week. I'm not an organized person, in general but I sure will try. ("New year, new me!")

Anyway, let's move on to what's currently happening~


READING Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children. I've just started and it's an interesting read!

WRITING what I need to do for the second semester (which starts tomorrow)..... and this blog post.

LISTENING to I Know What You Did Last Summer by Shawn Mendes and Camila Cabello. This song has been stuck in my head for quite some time now, haha. It's catchy

THINKING about what might happen in my PE class this semester. I've enlisted a volleyball class that starts at 8 in the morning... I have no idea how it'll go.

SMELLING the Calming Green Tea room spray my aunt gifted us for Christmas. It's amazing. It's green tea... it has to be, haha.

WISHING more people would participate in my Tea Trade Project. Hopefully, I could post more details about it soon... (Knowing myself? Well, we'd have to wait for another year lol, just kidding.)

LOVING the new yarn I got from my aunt who lives in Canada. I think she got it from Michael's and it reminds me that there's not an established craft store here in Manila such as Michael's.

WANTING chai tea (still, but cinnamon in tea is sufficing at the moment).

NEEDING hmm... 

FEELING (see word blocks below)

MAKING orders, products for the ~music festival season~ that is summer, and rainbow things for the upcoming Pride March! I do hope I make it on time this year.

Another 'feeling' account I have to express through words... well... here goes...

When someone asks me how I'm doing, I would take a couple of minutes to pause and think about a lot of things before I know how I'm doing or how I'm feeling. Sometimes, even if it takes me hours, days, weeks, months, years to think, I still wouldn't figure it out.

I could be feeling happy, overwhelmed, confused, sad, and tired all at the same time and I wouldn't know why. Maybe it's the feeling of getting older, maybe it's just me, I wouldn't know.

Right now, I'm scared, I'm tired, I want to work but I don't feel like moving. I badly want to go out, but as soon as I step out, I miss home. I make plans with friends, but end up cancelling (sorry for that, it's not you I swear). Walking away from groups of people feels really nice but the thought of being alone in the world scares me.

I feel a lot of things that I think I can't feel anything anymore.

Why do I seem fine most of the time? Maybe that's what I want people to see. The thought of bothering others with my problems disturbs me. Why would I want to trouble them with mine when I know everyone has their own problems to deal with. But I'm eternally grateful to all those who take time and effort to talk and ask (and be actually concerned?).

So to answer the question of how I'm currently feeling, imagine me shrugging and smiling faintly. I seriously have no idea.

That was the most personal thing I've posted so far... and I don't know if there would be more anytime soon. I just thought I needed to let it out. Blog posts and other activities will still continue, by the way~

The Sunday Currently is a blog link-up by siddathornton.

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